Tuesday, September 25, 2007

From fertilization to gastrulation - Week 1

My future baby is only a dream for now.

But since I'm having sometimes even frustrating bad baby fever, and I'm having a course about Developmental Biology, this is good time to start this :) Though I will leave many things away (I'm not writing a book)...

So, lets start from the beginning. Here's how it all starts;

Sperm and egg meet after mom and dad love each other ;) The sperm must penetrate through many obstacles before it can fertilize the egg...

...and after fertilization we have a zygote.

After this the pronuclei of the egg and sperm fuse and the zygote starts to divide fast. During these fast cell divisions the embryo is in cleavage stage. The cell becomes a morula and at this time the future embryo has traveled from the fallobian tube to the uterus.

After the future embryo has reached the uterus, it transforms to blastula and implants (implantation) to the uterus. Also gastrulation begins and the future embryo becomes gastrula.

I believe that's enough for this time. Here's a schematic summary what has happened so far:

1. zygote
2. - 6. cleavage
6. morula
8. blastula
9.-11. gastrulation

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