Monday, October 1, 2007

30 Weeks

I talked with my mom and asked about my history and here it comes (long story very short):

My mother had placenta previa so she was hospitalized when she had been pregnant 26 weeks. When she had been waiting me for 30 weeks her placenta broke down and they had to get me out. So I was born quite early but they had given some cortisone to my mother to get my lungs developed enough and I was ok. Mom said that I recovered very fast.

And one story (my moms favorite one): I had some kind of doctors control and they noticed that my top of the head was still open so they could check my brains (since I was born so early, there was a huge risk for me to be abnormal) with ultra sound. And the doctor said "What a beautiful brain structure!" Mom always say that from that on she knew I'd be smart :D

But I was quite shocked, I always knew I was born early but THAT early...